Trina Turk Womens Henrietta Blazer

Dr. Lichten and his knowledge about hormones changed my life. I spent nearly 27 years struggling with horrible hormonal imbalances, due in large part, to having been put on a high-dose birth control pill when I was only 13 years old. After developing cancerous cells in my cervix in my early 20s, I was told that taking those high-dose pills for so long, uninterrupted, had elevated my risk for the rest of my life. I spent the next two decades suffering from endometriosis and polycistic ovarian syndrome and having multiple surgeries to remove cancerous cells. On top of this I had unexplained chronic fatigue and a severe inability to focus or concentrate. It wasn't until I was also diagnosed with adult growth hormone deficiency that I started to get some answers to my seemingly never-ending hormonal problems.
The biggest obstacle to unraveling the whole problem was that no doctor ever wanted to look at the big picture. It was like playing a giant game of Whack-A-Mole. They'd treat the symptoms of one problem, just to have another crop up. To complicate matters, the pharmaceutical company that was manufacturing the rGHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone, which is a bio-identical substance that prompts your pituitary gland to work when it doesn't receive the proper signaling), stopped making the medication available for patient use. They slapped a 'for testing only' label on it, and suddenly I was without medication. When my endocrinologist switched me to the (MUCH more expensive) synthetic growth hormone, all the progress I had made went right out the window. The synthetic didn't work at all in the way that the bio-identical did - and what was worse - it caused my endometriosis to worsen and spread. I was in pain 24/7. I had no choice but to discontinue my growth hormone therapy all together. This plunged me back into horrendous chronic fatigue. My body ached everywhere and I barely had the strength to move, let alone go to work or take care of my children. But the pain from the endometriosis was unbearable and despite stopping the growth hormone treatments, in the hopes the endometriosis would stop spreading, the pain continued to worsen. I even went so far as to let one of my doctors chemically induce menopause in the hopes it would relieve the pain. This was done with a depot injection that was made to remain in the body for 60 days. While it shrunk some of the endometriosis the side effects were something out of a horror novel. My body could no longer regulate my internal temperature, I couldn't sleep, often going days at a time without being able to so much as get an hour's nap. My hair fell out in clumps. Although I had no appetite at all, I put on weight at nearly 3 lbs a week. All this and there was nothing I could do but wait for this chemical to leave my body. It was 60 days of hell. By the time the 60 days were over, I'd gained more than 40 lbs, I was suffering nearly daily migraines, I had almost no hair left on my head, I was having nearly daily migraines and the pain from my endometriosis was back with a vengeance. As more months passed and the side-effects from this chemically-induced menopause were not subsiding, I began to panic. No one really had any answers. All they would say is that, "It will take time to get back to normal." That is, normal WITH all the pain that I had before I began treatment.
So, with no answers, I sought out anything or anyone that might be able to help me. That was when I found Dr. Lichten. After running a multitude of blood tests and identifying not one, not two but at least 5 different problematic hormone levels, he started me on the road to recovery. The best part was that he was able to give me IMMEDIATE relief from the migraines and almost immediate relief from the body temperature disregulation and the sleep problems. The rest took a quite a bit of time, but I could measure the steps forward in concrete ways nearly every day. For the first time I felt like there was hope. I never knew there were bio-identical hormones that could be obtained from compounding pharmacies. This made it possible for me to get back on my rGHRH and that made a world of difference - and amazingly purchasing the medication from the compounding pharmacy was LESS expensive than the insurance co-pay for the synthetic, even though I had to pay out of pocket for the entire cost. I learned that I could SAFELY supplement the other hormones I was missing with bio-identical hormones and not run the risk of the problems I had when I was younger. Before I was convinced Dr. Lichten gave me his book and I researched independently as well before I agreed to treatment (as you might imagine, I was nearly paranoid of putting anything into my body at this point). Once I felt confident that it was safe and had a good chance of actually addressing my problems, I began the additional hormonal treatments. This was when my life truly changed. I started feeling like a normal human being. I started sleeping regular hours and most extraordinary was I felt like I'd slept when I awoke! I could concentrate again. The migraines became fewer and fewer. I could focus. The weight I'd gained started dropping off and I finally saw new hair growing in! I had energy. The endometriosis pain was still there, but not as severe. Unfortunately, the final cure for that was surgery to remove my uterus, which was now not so scary since I knew I could replace the estrogen and progesterone naturally and safely, without being thrown back into menopause at an extremely early age.
Today, I lead pretty much a normal life. I do what normal people do. I can get up and go to work. I can take a walk. I can sleep. They don't sound like such a great accomplishment to most people, but to me, it was like the beginning of really living. I can't recommend this book more highly.
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